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Peace River


We are dedicated to providing the public with accurate, compressive water quality information. Water is our most precious resource, vital, and a human right.

Polluted Water


Nutrient Pollution

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, nutrient pollution, caused by excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the air and water, is one of America's most costly, widespread, and challenging environmental problems.


Phosphate Expansion

Phosphate Mining expansion driven by Mosaic is the largest threat to Florida's waterways. Phosphate mining disturbs between 3,000 to 6,000 acres annually in Florida. 

Desoto Mine Map.png
all toxic discharges by Mosaic plants 2019.jpeg


Toxic Discharges

Florida companies release toxic discharges into our environment threatening our most precious resources, our water, air, and seafood. Florida ranks 12th in the nation in production of toxic waste. 


Our Aquifer

Florida's Aquifer provides drinking water to millions of Florida residents, as well as recreational activities such as the many springs around the State. Protecting this critical resource is paramount as nutrient pollution, toxic discharges, and phosphate expansion continue to threaten Florida's Aquifer.

Map of Jurisdictions
Blue Water

Water Quality Report

Read the latest in Water Quality in our monthly report.

Andy Mele, Peace & Myakka River Waterkeeper

Ask the Waterkeeper

Submit your opinion or question to the Waterkeeper.

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